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Princeton University

Here are some reference photos for the University! Benjamin Foster is a professor, and his daughter is a freshman at the beginning of The Immortal's Assistant.

Nassau Hall

East Pyne Hall

  • Benjamin is a Professor in the Classics department, mostly teaching Ancient Greek history, philosophy, and some languages. This is where his office and classroom are located.

East Pyne Hall (again)


  • I'm not sure where this is from but I imagine the hallways to look like this.

Holder Hall

  • This is where Alice's dormitory is located.

Rockefeller Common Room

  • Located inside Madison Hall, this is the common room where Alice spends her free time. (This is a real photo from the university!)

Dorm Room

  • I don't know what the university dorms look like, but this is how I imagine it.

Dorm Room (again)

More photos and inspo to come!


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