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The Immortal's Assistant: Blurb

Plagued with sadness and bad luck since her childhood, Alice’s world is once again crumbling around her. Her father, Professor Benjamin Foster, has been newly diagnosed with terminal cancer. He is overcome with guilt and desperate for a cure in order to protect his daughter from more loss. He puts his faith in William, one of his old students, as they attempt to decipher an ancient text that he found in the basement of Princeton University. They discover a powerful ritual, but it has a deadly cost.

The Professor descends into darkness as he tries to keep his secret from Alice, but it ends up hurting her instead. After a murder and a terrible house fire, she seeks help from a group of strangers only to find out they have their own motives hidden behind layers of intricate lies. She falls into the world of blood magic, alchemy, and demon possession. Bonds of trust form and crumble, when all she wants to do is bring her father back from the evil that consumes him.


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